HSIE Teachers - HSC Geography: Ecosystems at risk
Assessment 1 Scaffold
Extended Responses
Ecosystem Management
Biophysical Interactions
Biophysical Interactions extended response
Vulnerability and Resilience
Environmental stress extended response
Importance of management and protection
Ecosystems Research task
Evaluation of management strategies
Evaluating management strategies
Evaluating - sample
Evaluating - scaffold
Mini case studies
Ecosystems - ESL Support
Tundra - spatial patterns - analysing photos and maps
Tundra glossary
Tundra - Virtual fieldwork
Tundra - Biophysical interactions
Tundra - Churchill biophysical interactions
Skills: Climate graphs
Nature and Rate of Change
Tundra - Climate Change Infographic
Human Impacts
Tundra - Cause and Effect
Tundra Connections
Tundra - Management
Evaluating Management Strategies
Tundra - radio collar tracking
Intertidal Wetlands
Case Studies
Towra Point
Homebush Bay
Spatial patterns
Biophysical Interactions
Weather and climate
Geomorphic and hydrological processes
Biogeographical processes
Adjustments to natural stress
Homebush Bay - Biophysical Interactions
Nature and rate of change
Human impacts
Towra Point - Human Impacts
Towra Point - Human impacts activity
Homebush Bay - Human Impacts
Management practices
Towra Point - Management Strategies
Homebush Bay - Management Strategies
Intertidal Wetlands Revision Questions
Intertidal Wetlands - Fieldwork
Towra Point excursion
Coral Reefs
Spatial patterns
Biophysical Interactions
Weather and climate
Geomorphic and hydrological processes
Biogeographical processes
Adjustments to natural stress
Coral Reef Triangle
Nature and rate of change
Human Impacts
Coral Triangle - Human Impacts
Great Barrier Reef - Human Impacts
Management practices
Traditional Management Practices
Coral Triangle - Management
Great Barrier Reef - Management Strategies
Coral Reefs - Fieldwork
Coral Triangle - fieldwork
Fieldwork - Lizard Island Virtual Fieldsite.
Great Barrier Reef excursion
Intertidal Wetlands Case Studies - Towra Point and Homebush Bay Wetlands
We will be looking at 2 case studies of Intertidal Wetlands.
Homebush Bay
wetland is located in the suburb of Homebush Bay along Parramatta River, west of Sydney Harbour.
Towra Point
wetland is located at Kurnel at the mouth of the Georges River, in Botany Bay.
Assessment 1 Scaffold
Extended Responses
Ecosystem Management
Biophysical Interactions
Biophysical Interactions extended response
Vulnerability and Resilience
Environmental stress extended response
Importance of management and protection
Ecosystems Research task
Evaluation of management strategies
Evaluating management strategies
Evaluating - sample
Evaluating - scaffold
Mini case studies
Ecosystems - ESL Support
Tundra - spatial patterns - analysing photos and maps
Tundra glossary
Tundra - Virtual fieldwork
Tundra - Biophysical interactions
Tundra - Churchill biophysical interactions
Skills: Climate graphs
Nature and Rate of Change
Tundra - Climate Change Infographic
Human Impacts
Tundra - Cause and Effect
Tundra Connections
Tundra - Management
Evaluating Management Strategies
Tundra - radio collar tracking
Intertidal Wetlands
Case Studies
Towra Point
Homebush Bay
Spatial patterns
Biophysical Interactions
Weather and climate
Geomorphic and hydrological processes
Biogeographical processes
Adjustments to natural stress
Homebush Bay - Biophysical Interactions
Nature and rate of change
Human impacts
Towra Point - Human Impacts
Towra Point - Human impacts activity
Homebush Bay - Human Impacts
Management practices
Towra Point - Management Strategies
Homebush Bay - Management Strategies
Intertidal Wetlands Revision Questions
Intertidal Wetlands - Fieldwork
Towra Point excursion
Coral Reefs
Spatial patterns
Biophysical Interactions
Weather and climate
Geomorphic and hydrological processes
Biogeographical processes
Adjustments to natural stress
Coral Reef Triangle
Nature and rate of change
Human Impacts
Coral Triangle - Human Impacts
Great Barrier Reef - Human Impacts
Management practices
Traditional Management Practices
Coral Triangle - Management
Great Barrier Reef - Management Strategies
Coral Reefs - Fieldwork
Coral Triangle - fieldwork
Fieldwork - Lizard Island Virtual Fieldsite.
Great Barrier Reef excursion